The Potential of Digital Tools to Enhance the Promotion of Cultural Heritage

The Portuguese Multiplier Event of the S.I.L.V.HER project will take place live & online on Thursday, the 15th of July 2021, from 14:15 till 17:30 Western European Summer Time.

Venue: Aula Magna of UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro)

Programme headlines

  • 14:15 Official opening
  • 14:30 Presentation of the S.I.L.V.HER project, in general, and two of the projects of the students (BIL’app of UTAD students and COMPLETE).
  • 15:30 5 speakers will talk for 20 minutes each about the digital tools they produce to promote culture and tourism. Some will be with us in Vila Real, others will join us online.
    • 15:30 Sismotur, represented by Augusto Ramos Méndez
    • 15:50 Realizasom, represented by André Coelho
    • 16:10 Critec, represented by Bruno Vide and João Neto
    • 16:30 O Museu Virtual da Lusofonia, represented by Isabel Macedo
    • 16:50 Immersivus Gallery, represented by Margarida Campolargo
  • 17:10   Discussion and closure

Online registration is for free, but obligatory, via this link:

Should you prefer to attend the session online, you will receive an e-mail with the code after your registration.

More information about the SILVHER project is available at:

Programme details

At 14:15 WECT, the official opening will be done by Carla Amaral, Pro-rector for Education and Quality at UTAD. Since May 2021 UTAD has a new Rectorate and for the first time a team of three persons was nominated to guarantee the quality of education and training and to innovate over the coming years.

At 14:30 WECT, the responsible for the UTAD team, Veronika Joukes will present the S.I.L.V.HER online course and platform. Student groups will present the project through which they contribute to locally safeguard and valorise cultural heritage, using digital tools.

To illustrate the rich potential of this sector, we invited five leading companies and associations, active in our region, to share their outcomes between 15:30 and 17:30 WECT.

Sismotur implements a smart signage information and management service which enables your travellers to consult your touristic offering, build and book customized trips with the app through INVENTRIP, and share them in social networks or using the latest technologies: Beacons, NFC, QR codes. (

Realizasom designs mobile applications, interactive multimedia guides and audio guides to offer memorable visitor experiences, aimed at visitors with different needs and of all ages in places of cultural, historical and touristic interest. (

Critec created the mobile application ARt (Augmented Reality Technology) that adds life to urban artworks, and thus promotes local tourism and art icons. Recently the spinoff Hubduction was created in order to explore the full potential of not only AR but also VR creating otherworldly experiences. ( (

O Museu Virtual da Lusofonia or the Virtual Museum of Lusophony is a platform for academic cooperation in science, education and the arts in mainly Portuguese-speaking countries. Citizens are invited to participate actively, in making records available, in commenting on the ‘works’ preserved in the museum, in (re)building a collective memory. (

Immersivus Gallery is the first gallery for immersive arts experiences in Portugal. In their spaces in Porto, Lisbon and Vilamoura (Algarve) they develop a wide range of immersive experiences in which national and international artists are free to explore different themes through an eclectic use of arts and technology. (

In the morning Critec/Hubduction will host a workshop for the students of the SILVHER project from 09:30 till 12:00 WECT.

The workshop is about communication, specially about how to pitch the technological product you are creating. As the projects will need funding, you need to reach people, to make them fall in love with your vision. Sometimes you only have a few minutes to convince someone, sometimes even less. What should you focus on? How do you prepare the presentation? How should you behave on stage? In this workshop we will create a one-minute elevator pitch and a three minutes speech. Then we will record these speeches and analyse them so that you will be better prepared to show your dream to the world.

For the filming of the speeches we can also count with the support of the Audio-visual Service of UTAD, namely with their studio with a green screen.