
Let me introduce you, FolklorApp, an Augmented Reality application useful to promote cultural events like the carnival event held yearly in Venice.

This application is free to use for everyone and downloadable from both Android and IOS devices. That said, everyone can benefit from this project, both tourists interested in visiting the event and event organizers looking to improve their revenues.

Someone may ask how the app was born or the purpose of AR on this particular occasion. The application was born because we felt that most cultural events seem dull without some interaction, so adding some could considerably improve the event’s beauty. That’s where AR comes in: with the help of this technology, users can interact with a lot of things around and discover new Infos in a new way, not with the classic guide or physical installations.

Beware, the Carnival Venice’s event is just an example because, being this a scalable project, it can be applied to everything.

Have you ever happened to speak with an object? Or have you ever seen something talk with it? The questions could be sound crazy or strange, but these are the check to explain to you our project.

Imagine you like a tree, ok? How many stories has it seen in his life? How many people and how many cultures have it met in his life? Surely a lot of information, but it cannot tell to us!

Imagine you, now, a carnival mask. How many faces has it covered? How did it feel to be worn and touched by everyone, both children and adults? Or more simply: what it thinks about Carnival?

To know the answers to all these questions, we have to use Augmented Reality!

With your smartphone or tablet, you’ll be able to interact and know something directly with your mask.

With FolklorApp, you’ll be able to personalize your mask and receive it by mail directly by us! For example, if you want to wear a dog’s mask, you can send some pictures and reply to them with a face mask like your dog. Your task is only to print it and cut it and wear it in Carnival!

The project has been developed by Behlul Akgun, Ezgi Kabukcu, Davide Sgaramella and Davide DeCandia.